Monday, February 11, 2013

Crazy Sexy Diet

In honor of her life milestone she reached today, I thought I'd write a post about Kris Carr and her Crazy Sext Diet book.

For those of you who are not familiar with Kris Carr, her story, or her books, I really encourage you to pick one up and read it. They are super simple and full of fun facts, stories, and tips. Her story is UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE. Talk about dedication and making the most of your life; this woman is full of testimonies that really make you question ever complaining about a damn thing ever again, yet, she never once tells you that. 

When I woke up this morning I received one of her weekly emails she sends out with healthy lifestyle tips. Today was different, this is the first sentence of the letter: 

"Ten years ago, this week, I was given exactly ten years to live. Stage IV cancer, no cure, no treatment, no options." 

Now, I hope you realize by reading that and knowing that she sent the email today, her diagnosis was inaccurate and she is currently happy and healthy. This is the best, number one reason I read the book. I wanted to do things to be proactive with my health vs reactive.

I am obsessed with how the body works and reacts to different things we consume, daily. This book really puts life in layman's terms - which I appreciate, let's be honest.. I'm no doctor! 

My Mom actually is the person that introduced me to this book. Long story short, my Mom has chronic headaches. She has gone to every doctor possible, nutritionist, etc etc etc - they all gave her more meds after more meds. She decided you know what, this isn't right, I want to be off all of these horrible toxic "healers". So we went to the ER checked into the hospital and through a program with a neurologist, she detoxed for 5 days straight. I couldn't imagine going through something like this so I wanted to be right there with her. We recorded her headaches and symptoms as she came off all these different medications and, to no amazement, my Mom was a soldier through it all (she has always been a tough one).

During these 5 days she was reading Crazy Sexy Diet and sending me to Whole Foods for our daily juice run and telling me "You should really read this book". Two days in, I bought the book (she's the best book buddy) and since then Kris Carr has been inspiring my Mom and I to go the more holistic route and we have turned to fresh green juices, smoothies and cleaner eating to heal our bodies. I'd love to say my Mom was 100% free from the toxic "healers" but unfortunately you can't win them all, baby steps, but she will get there though helpful reads and tricks like the ones you will find in this book ...and by drinking more water, Mom ;) (her and my sisters have never been huge fans of H20). 

Speaking of hydration, I am going to leave you with my first and favorite green juice recipe that Kris shared with me in her book - if you don't have a juicer, you can go to whole foods (or any juice shop) and just tell them and they'll whip it up for you:
  • 1 cucumber (organic; if not peel it)
  • Kale (2-3 Stalks)
  • Spinach (2-3 handfuls)
  • Lemon 
  • Ginger (half a thumb sized)
  • Apple 
My Mom is my hero, she has been through so much yet still manages to smile and tell us all she is "Loving you" daily. Mad props, Mom, and thanks Kris Carr for the enlightening and educational read! 

To check out Kris' full post check out her blog

Happy Monday!