Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Fire Starter Sessions

About a week ago I was steaming at my gym and overheard a woman talking about her life and how she has waited so long to take charge of what was always hers to begin with. They were discussing how unhappy they were with their lives before and how all they needed was a little motivation to point them in the right direction. (Don't get me wrong, I am by no means unhappy BUT I am all about being proactive) The woman then told her friend about a book she found called The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle Laporte. She said it was not your typtical self-help book to add to your stack that you've never read post exiting Boarders. She said it was really engaging - Danielle gave you actionable items to think about or do and when she did them she said she couldn't believe how easy it was but yet how helpful it was! Because of that, I was dying to get this book and just see how a few words to really change someones mentality that was so down. I bought the book on my iPad today through my kindle app and have read maybe 5 pages and I'm hooked. I was so excited for the journey that I immediately texted my mom a quote from the book and asked her to basically join my book club and read the book with me so we can talk about it.

Suggestion: Getting someone on board to do something with you will hold you accontable.. that's my plan at least!

I cannot wait to post more about this book and hopefully enlighten other people to pick it up to see what it can offer them. Happy reading.