Friday, February 8, 2013

Fashionably Late Friday

Let me start by saying that I really try to be a morning person. I used to be able to wake up, work out, make breakfast and head to work - no problem. I always seem to find some resa-excuse-on that I can't make it. Well last night's was that I didn't fall asleep until 1am. For those of you that know me, you know that I am a dead asleep by 10pm type of gal, 1am is like a crazy wild night for me.... well, on a work night. Anyways, so I missed my cycle class at Equinox this morning that I have been dying to go to.

In order to make up for enjoying my beauty rest, I went tonight and did my own work out and actually feel equally as fulfilled! One of my biggest struggles with the gym is getting bored. In order to avoid that, I did some research online and found some awesome exercises that kept me intrigued and kicked my butt (you'll see why). 

I started with an awesome Valentines day workout I got from the Tone It Up! girls blog called Love Your Booty. Here is a brief overview but really encourage you look at their video as it details exactly how to do each exercise. 

  • Single Leg Deadlift (w/dumbbell) x10 each side
  • Plie Squat w/ swinging dumbbell (both hands) x40
  • Plie Squat w/ swinging alternating dumbbell x40
  • Plie squat with lifting toes as you squat down x10
  • Draw Your Heart: Balance on one leg and draw hearts with the other x10 each side
  • Kickbacks: dumbbell behind knee and lift leg back x15 on each side
  • Straight Leg Kick Back x10 on each side
  • Draw Your Heart Side Plank x10 on each side
  • Bridge with Leg Kicks x12 on each side
  • Heat Wave (Bridge Position) swivel hips from side to side x30
  • Body Surfing: bend knees and lift (toes & heels touching) pushing up x10
  • Body Surfing + Hamstring curl (curl legs as you lift up) x10

Sidenote: I have been researching a lot about them and their nutrition plan, and it is safe to say that I may be making the purchase soon.. but am going to see what I can accomplish solo first.

Once I was done with working those buns, I moved onto an interval treadmill workout from one of my favorite fit bloggers, SarahFit. 
  • 5 min warm up
  • Sprint :10 sec
  • Moderate :20 sec
  • Slow :30 sec 
  • Repeat x5 then walk 2:00 min
Repeat this 7min interval (no 5min warm-up) 5x and you're all done! 

I burned a total of 552 cals during this workout so really encourage all you people who are making up for life's little blisses (aka: sleep) to try this out. Better late than never, right?